Apparently women tread a fine line in gift selection: it can't be too cheap - or too pricey - at the risk of offending the recipient. Certain gifts offer varying degrees of affection, we are told. Hidden messages and nuances of emotion such as 'love' or mere 'like?' Most guys don't think in those terms. If a man offers a gift it is usually because he saw something, it triggered a thought of you, he had cash to burn in his wallet and so he bought it. Tyres for your car, an ugly bedraggled puppy or a garish set of knickers...Gift selection for guys is a pretty spontaneous event and we seldom manage to coincide these things with life changing events such as marriage proposals, births or deaths. Forgive us, we're wired that way. Since ladies are wired differently and want to gift for specific occasions, we have created this how to guide to help you along.
1. Where does a lot of his time and money go? Look for his perfect gift in a similar genre.
Chances are, if a chap spends an inordinate amount of time in the ocean, on the golf course or wrapped in tech; this is his passion and he will appreciate any gift in the same genre. Do a little research: a golf ball is not a golf ball is not a golf ball. Even something as mundane as a golf ball has particular qualities for particular shots. It may bore you, but if you listen closely, you can usually hear him expounding the virtues of a particular gadget over another to his mates. Get that.
2. What does he go back to repeatedly?
If you pay attention, your boy will return several times to the same thing. He may pick it up, turn it over and put it back, but know that if it drew his attention in the first place, he will appreciate such as a gift. Watch his browsing patterns in-store, walking on by or returning again and again for a quick look - that will give you the clue you need!
3. Know his tastes.
If he wears a particular colour often, brand of clothing or scent of cologne, you can shop along similar lines. If he has the shaving cream, add the aftershave in the same. By the way, most men loathe the 'chore' of shaving. Great smelling, thick lathering, easy gliding shaving gear goes a long way to turn this daily 'bother' into a morning ritual of meditative contemplation. The Gentry stocks both international and local brands of grooming soaps, creams and shaving accessories.